Monday, June 16, 2008

Ya Gotta Love Nature

This morning I awoke to a small black bear in the back yard. Before the dogs caught site of him or her, I grabbed a camera and took some pics. Took a couple of shots to realize the autofocus was turned off. Once the dogs saw it, they barking scared it back over the fence. The irony is that the dogs are both about 15 pounds each, while the bear was probably about 200 pounds with sharp claws and teeth. We are visited regularly by nature (national forest land on the other side of the fence), but sometimes they are not wanted at all, i.e. coyotes. The Jack Russell terrier has been attacked twice in the past year, requiring several stitches. Once in the woods, last time (in March) in the backyard. The coyotes was hiding in the yard, and two more were waiting on the other side of the fence. They come back fairly regularly, but so far stay on the forest side of the fence. When the snow drifts are piled high, we're more likely to find them in the yard.

The one picture of the bear standing is cute in that a plywood cow is on the left and a plywood bull is on the right. Maybe I'll make a plywood bear next.


Katherine van Schoonhoven said...

Yikes! A bear in the yard! I've had deer, coyotes, rabbits, moles (too many moles), and a bobtail. But no bears. Do you have bird feeders filled with seeds that attracted this bear? Maybe he was after the delicious Jack Russell he heard about...

bullwinkle said...

Think it is the bird seed. You would think that a great big bear would want to eat great big food, but I guess a lot of little food (bird seed) is just as good.