Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Resolve to...

Clean up this studio! That's a custom mural on tile you see off to the left. It has been clear coated and is ready for delivery. Just cleaning that mess up will help a lot. But, there's more.


RWP said...

Now I see where Scott gets it from... wait, you have a bike? Seriously?

bullwinkle said...

Yes, I have a bike (not for winter). Hey, it's easily cleaned up. And don't look so innocent.

RWP said...

I have no idea what you could possibly be implying with that "don't look so innocent" remark - I am perfectly organized... I know exactly where everything is... well, most everything... So are you going to ride around Tahoe with me in June? How about to Camp Richardson and back?

bullwinkle said...

In my truck, Yes.