Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Designer Eggs

So my girl friend says this morning, "John, would you pick up some eggs?". Sure, no problem. Except she usually buys expensive organic brown eggs, but I usually get the cheaper white eggs. So to appeaser her, I bought the white eggs and some Easter egg dye and made some brown eggs (and blue, etc.). Don't think I saved any money, but had fun. Got a great reaction from her when she found the eggs in the refrigerator. Now she does not want to break them. Yes, they are raw eggs.


RWP said...

Girlfriends? Plural? Do they know about each other???

Nice eggs man. Very creative.

bullwinkle said...


Celeste Bergin said...

oh those are so pretty! what kind of paint did you use?
They are awesome!

bullwinkle said...

Actually, it's some stuff I found in the seasonal section of the grocery store with the other Easter egg dyes. This stuff is water-based and is brushed on. As it dries, it tends to run, giving it the streaking look. It is also metallic paint, with a gold supplied as well as three colors. i mixed the gold with the colors for the best effect.

Celeste Bergin said...

well they are just fantastic..I wonder if you could repeat it with wooden eggs so that you could keep them forever!