Sunday, April 13, 2008

Road Trip '08: Las Vegas

Years ago (1975), while working on my master's degree, one of my classes had as a final assignment a project on "symbols". My first thought, for some strange and undetermined reason, was badges. Specifically, "old west" badges usually worn as a symbol of authority on men who were not wearing a uniform. Getting information on badges was a bit of a challenge. There actually wasn't any to speak of. Yet, one day, someone mentioned the Time-Life series of books on the Old West. Turned out, the volume titled "Gunfighters" had a page that showed several great photos of badges. The page was credited to Ron Donoho of Las Vegas. No address or phone number, though. Nothing through information, so I tried a different approach. The librarian for the University of Arizona in Tucson was listed, so I called her. She gave me the name of a retired sheriff and his phone number. Called him, his wife answered and he was up in the mountains writing a book. When he returned, he called me and gave me the name and number of the historian for the Tucson Police Department. He knew Ron and arranged for me to visit him in Las Vegas.

Ron was a great source of information on badges and the old west in general. He had been a deputy sheriff at the Nevada Test Site, as well as Carson City and Tonapah. He had the most extensive badge and gun collections around. I took several pictures of the badges arranged by jurisdiction (state, local, etc), along with some guns, etc. From these I prepared demonstration boards for the class and received an "A". My research effort was enough for the grade.

I thought of Ron a couple of years ago, and wanted to show him the final boards (yes, I still have them). After searching around on the internet, I found his address and phone. He is listed on the internet, but is not personally on it, nor wants to be. Contacted him and arranged for another visit which he agreed to. Took a few years to do it, but finally did. The man has been in Las Vegas for over fifty years, grew up in Illinois on the Walgreen (Drug) estate where his father was the caretaker. Knew many of the actors and film makers of western movies, and has many guns from that era. Also has badges and guns of several famous lawmen.

Ron is a very interesting fellow. We met with him shortly after arriving in Las Vegas. He is often found at antique gun shows in Las Vegas showing his collections. Some are so valuable he keeps them in a safe, most are in many large diplay cases.

1 comment:

RWP said...

Looks like you had fun! in the picture, which one are you? Left?

P.S. I a kidding of course... no need to edit your will...