Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Bit of Italy

Here is last weeks mural and faux finish. Nice retired couple in Lincoln (north of Roseville, CA). They enjoyed watching me paint the murals and faux. Guess I should be used to people watching, though it is still a bit intimidating.
Working on some faux finish marble effects this week. Just heard from my friend and helper Bonnie. She just got back from Costa Rica. Nice.


RWP said...

Nice job! You didn't use a variation of the Bob Ross "happy little trees" line while they were watching, did you?

"...and here we have a happy little grape. Say "hi" Mr. Grape..."

bullwinkle said...

Actually, I did. Couldn't help it.

Dreame said...

I love Bob Ross. The kids at school do too. They call him the guy with the big Afro. I think he died before most of them were born, but his memory lives on. He's still on some T.V. channels because I saw him on one of them a couple weekends ago.

bullwinkle said...

All kidding aside, he was a great guy and teacher. Brought the art techniques to TV, after Bill Alexander, so that the aspiring artists could see that it really wasn't magic, just illusion.