Monday, January 28, 2008

Back in the Hills

Been down in Sacramento for the Northern California Home & Landscaping Show. Over 50,000 people braving the bad weather to stroll through several buildings of displays. I was there with my booth promoting murals and faux finishes. It was a very good show. Got a lot of leads and talked with a lot of people. Long hours was a bit tiring; 8 hrs. on Fri., 10 on Sat., and another 8 on Sun. Interesting people. Got to know my immediate neighbors. Everyone passing out candy to entice the people in. Not me. I watched and it was more like "trick or treat". Grab the candy and run. By jove, if they came into my booth, it was because of the murals and finishes. I did, however, help myself to some of my neighbor's candy.

There was a display built by a pool company just up the aisle from me that was pretty impressive. It was a complete swiming pool, complete with water, fountains, landscaping, etc. They only had two days to build it, then tear it all down Sunday night and Monday morning. I've included a couple of pics of it, as well as my booth.

It's good to be back home, even though I had to go through a snow storm to get here. Not much internet reception where I was, so good to be back online.


RWP said...

Cool pool! Really impressive. I like your booth too. The tropical scene is fantastic and not what I am used to seeing from you. It's a notch or two above the Hydra Bathroom ;) One slight bit of constructive criticism though: at the top you mentioned "Murals" twice, which, to me, is akin to car dealerships prolific use of the word "sale". Why not switch up that second "murals" for "trompe l'oeil" or something like that? The good part would be that most people have never heard of trompe l'oeil and would be more likely to approach you, if only to find out what it is. Just an idea.

bullwinkle said...

Maybe "trompe l'oeil" and some french candy. Thanks for the spelling. I can never remember how to spell it and do a bad job of pronouncing it. Actually, I'm thinking about putting something above the sign, like another large sign that says "Hand-Painted Murals". Amazing how many people think it is wallpaper.

RWP said...

Don't thank me for the spelling, thank Wikipedia! If it wasn't for spell check I would be hopelessly doomed to an illiterate existence... at least on paper... er, pixels?