Sunday, January 13, 2008


Saw a wonderful movie this evening about artist Frank Frazetta. Called "Frank Frazetta-Painting with Fire". Rented it from Netflix. Though I haven't persued Frazetta's work, I certainly have admired it. He came from that genre of artists who developed during the 50's and 60's. Wallace Wood is one of my favorites from that era, and I have persued his work. Frazetta is responsible for spawning a new generation of sci-fi artists, as a walk down the aisles of Comic-Con will bear witness to. His figures are usually heroic and muscular, man and woman. He began as an illustrator and comic book artist, emerging as a fine artist. There are those who scoff at illustrators as fine artists, but one must remember that artist like Michelangelo illustrated for a book as well. His was the bible, and the pieces were on frescoes and canvas. They did, however, tell a story.

Frank Frazetta is still alive today, though a series of strokes has left his right hand useless. He has adapted by learning to draw with his left hand and is doing quite well with it. His wife Ellie saved most of his paintings through the years and started a museum on their property in the Poconos of Pennsylvania. Its been open to the public for about six years or so. Sounds like a fun place to visit. Will have to put it on the "bucket list".

1 comment:

Dreame said...

Defining art is interesting eh? Labeling anything changes it somehow, not sure if for good or for bad. Have you seen The Bucket List? One of our English teachers had kids make a list of 100 things to do before they died. My son did it...and I was really impressed with his list. Six years later he said he wasn't sincere about any of it, just wanted to get his 100 things down to get the grade. Grades and Public education...that's a whole nother can of worms.